Enterprise Products Partners (EPD) Stock Rating Upgraded by Tudor Pickering

Enterprise Products Partners (NYSE:EPD) was upgraded by equities research analysts at Tudor Pickering from a “hold” rating to a “buy” rating in a report released on Wednesday, The Fly reports.

Several other brokerages have also commented on EPD. Scotiabank set a $33.00 price target on Enterprise Products Partners and gave the stock a “buy” rating in a research note on Sunday, October 15th. Jefferies Group dropped their price target on Enterprise Products Partners from $33.00 to $30.00 and set a “buy” rating for the company in a research note on Friday, September 1st. BMO Capital Markets set a $33.00 target price on Enterprise Products Partners and gave the stock a “buy” rating in a research report on Thursday, October 12th. Seaport Global Securities started coverage on Enterprise Products Partners in a research report on Tuesday, October 10th. They issued a “neutral” rating and a $29.00 target price for the company. Finally, SunTrust Banks reaffirmed a “buy” rating and issued a $29.00 target price on shares of Enterprise Products Partners in a research report on Friday, November 3rd. Three analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating, thirteen have assigned a buy rating and one has given a strong buy rating to the stock. The stock presently has an average rating of “Buy” and an average target price of $30.92.

Shares of Enterprise Products Partners (NYSE EPD) opened at $25.73 on Wednesday. The company has a market capitalization of $55,086.08, a PE ratio of 20.07, a price-to-earnings-growth ratio of 3.83 and a beta of 0.89. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.96, a quick ratio of 0.48 and a current ratio of 0.71. Enterprise Products Partners has a 12 month low of $23.59 and a 12 month high of $30.25.

In other Enterprise Products Partners news, Director Carin Marcy Barth purchased 12,000 shares of Enterprise Products Partners stock in a transaction that occurred on Monday, November 6th. The stock was purchased at an average price of $25.00 per share, with a total value of $300,000.00. The purchase was disclosed in a filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which is accessible through this hyperlink. Also, CEO Aj Teague purchased 8,250 shares of Enterprise Products Partners stock in a transaction that occurred on Tuesday, November 28th. The stock was acquired at an average cost of $24.26 per share, with a total value of $200,145.00. The disclosure for this purchase can be found here. Corporate insiders own 37.50% of the company’s stock.

Large investors have recently added to or reduced their stakes in the business. Ameritas Investment Partners Inc. lifted its holdings in Enterprise Products Partners by 14.3% during the 2nd quarter. Ameritas Investment Partners Inc. now owns 3,988 shares of the oil and gas producer’s stock worth $107,000 after buying an additional 500 shares during the last quarter. Ffcm LLC bought a new position in Enterprise Products Partners during the 3rd quarter worth approximately $112,000. First Eagle Investment Management LLC bought a new position in Enterprise Products Partners during the 2nd quarter worth approximately $130,000. Camarda Financial Advisors LLC lifted its holdings in Enterprise Products Partners by 0.6% during the 2nd quarter. Camarda Financial Advisors LLC now owns 4,835 shares of the oil and gas producer’s stock worth $131,000 after buying an additional 27 shares during the last quarter. Finally, Jacobi Capital Management LLC lifted its holdings in Enterprise Products Partners by 690.9% during the 2nd quarter. Jacobi Capital Management LLC now owns 5,449 shares of the oil and gas producer’s stock worth $148,000 after buying an additional 4,760 shares during the last quarter. 37.65% of the stock is currently owned by institutional investors.

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Enterprise Products Partners Company Profile

Enterprise Products Partners L.P. (Enterprise) is a provider of midstream energy services to producers and consumers of natural gas, natural gas liquids (NGLs), crude oil, petrochemicals and refined products in North America. The Company’s segments include NGL Pipelines & Services; Crude Oil Pipelines & Services; Natural Gas Pipelines & Services, and Petrochemical & Refined Products Services.

The Fly

Analyst Recommendations for Enterprise Products Partners (NYSE:EPD)