Accomplishing your business objectives through email marketing

Virtually all marketing plan is created around specific objectives that a particular business wants to accomplish. The tools that are necessary for a marketing plan depends upon these goals. But what if it’s possible to have a tool that will solve your every other issue instead of making more problems for your business?

We’re talking about email marketing. It’s an affordable, easy to implement, and versatile tool that can make most other marketing tools look one-dimensional. Just how versatile is it? Let’s count the ways.

Marketing distribution. Using email marketing allows you to build quick and effective awareness of a brand, product, service, business, or event. By instant email delivery to your audience’s inbox, the spillage that’s normal for awareness generation methods (TV, Radio) are avoided. Even if your recipient doesn’t open the email, you’ll still be able to convey information via a creative subject line.

Flowing communication. Emails don’t just have the ability to be read anytime, anywhere, but it also benefits you by allowing recipients to interact with you though replying to the original email with their inquiries. It also lets them take action promptly. Think emails that say “Final sale today. Go buy!” This can lead to your website and even a sale.

Appointment reminders. Contacting a client to remind them of an upcoming appointment or event can be seen as rude and intrusive. The more elegant way out of this situation is by simply sending a gentle nudge via an email.

Upsells and cross-sells. After a potential customer became a regular customer of your brand’s product or service, this is the time for cross-selling or offering an item related to their primary purchase. Understand the personal preferences of your buyers and send out upsell emails promptly around the time the original item needs replenishment. By utilising this technique, you are enlarging your repeat user base at no cost on your part.

Email tracking. By offering your clients detailed information about their purchases and following up with a chance to track the deliveries, you get closer to your customers. The more useful the emails are to users, the greater chances it is for repeat purchases.

Announcements. One awesome way to introduce a new product or service into the market is by reaching out to existing users about it. Plus, email means that at near-zero costs, you’ll be able to generate curiosity, push traffic to your new launch page, and even encourage trials or sales, in one fell swoop.

Before you begin

Consider what email service provider you will use for your email marketing. Take note that while using free services like Gmail, Ymail, and Outlook is generally acceptable, there’s so much more to gain by having a personal business email address through email hosting by top providers.

A professional and personal email address means that instead of getting generic email addresses like [email protected] or [email protected], you get a [email protected]. The latter is more personalized, secure, and stable since you get your own custom backend where you can manage all and every email marketing efforts you started.

Most web hosting services include email hosting, which gives you a unique email address. Setting up a professional email address to boost customer confidence in your brand is easy. Check out this email address starter guide to understand how the process works.

There you have it! Of course, there are more benefits to email marketing and using it to accomplish your business goals. It’s true, there’s virtually endless number of goals you can address through email marketing, so consider owning a personal business email address right now.