Netflix (NFLX) Given a $303.00 Price Target at Atlantic Securities

Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX) received a $303.00 price objective from analysts at Atlantic Securities in a research note issued to investors on Tuesday. The firm currently has a “buy” rating on the Internet television network’s stock. Atlantic Securities’ price target indicates a potential upside of 33.14% from the stock’s current price.

Several other analysts have also recently weighed in on NFLX. B. Riley reaffirmed a “neutral” rating on shares of Netflix in a report on Wednesday, November 1st. Credit Suisse Group reaffirmed a “neutral” rating and issued a $266.00 target price (up previously from $224.00) on shares of Netflix in a report on Tuesday. Buckingham Research cut shares of Netflix from a “buy” rating to a “neutral” rating in a report on Tuesday. They noted that the move was a valuation call. Canaccord Genuity raised their target price on shares of Netflix from $225.00 to $280.00 and gave the company a “buy” rating in a report on Tuesday. Finally, Piper Jaffray Companies raised their target price on shares of Netflix from $240.00 to $281.00 and gave the company an “overweight” rating in a report on Tuesday. Three equities research analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, fifteen have assigned a hold rating and thirty-five have assigned a buy rating to the stock. The stock has an average rating of “Buy” and a consensus target price of $228.64.

Shares of Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX) traded up $7.12 during trading hours on Tuesday, reaching $227.58. 17,703,200 shares of the company traded hands, compared to its average volume of 8,941,578. The firm has a market capitalization of $109,100.00, a PE ratio of 182.06, a price-to-earnings-growth ratio of 3.56 and a beta of 1.34. Netflix has a 52-week low of $137.03 and a 52-week high of $227.79. The company has a current ratio of 1.20, a quick ratio of 1.20 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 1.47.

Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX) last issued its earnings results on Tuesday, January 16th. The Internet television network reported $0.41 earnings per share for the quarter, meeting the Thomson Reuters’ consensus estimate of $0.41. The firm had revenue of $3.29 billion for the quarter, compared to analysts’ expectations of $3.28 billion. Netflix had a net margin of 4.04% and a return on equity of 14.56%. The firm’s revenue was up 32.6% compared to the same quarter last year. During the same quarter last year, the company earned $0.15 earnings per share. research analysts predict that Netflix will post 1.25 EPS for the current fiscal year.

In related news, Director Leslie J. Kilgore sold 2,373 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction dated Tuesday, January 16th. The shares were sold at an average price of $220.99, for a total value of $524,409.27. Following the completion of the transaction, the director now owns 35,994 shares of the company’s stock, valued at approximately $7,954,314.06. The sale was disclosed in a filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which is available at the SEC website. Also, Director Ann Mather sold 3,885 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction dated Tuesday, November 7th. The shares were sold at an average price of $200.00, for a total transaction of $777,000.00. Following the completion of the transaction, the director now directly owns 1,015 shares of the company’s stock, valued at approximately $203,000. The disclosure for this sale can be found here. Insiders have sold a total of 258,216 shares of company stock valued at $50,391,195 in the last ninety days. Corporate insiders own 4.90% of the company’s stock.

Large investors have recently modified their holdings of the company. Balentine LLC raised its position in shares of Netflix by 1,020.4% during the 3rd quarter. Balentine LLC now owns 549 shares of the Internet television network’s stock valued at $100,000 after acquiring an additional 500 shares in the last quarter. Almanack Investment Partners LLC. bought a new position in Netflix during the 2nd quarter worth $101,000. Clean Yield Group bought a new position in shares of Netflix in the first quarter worth $103,000. TD Capital Management LLC bought a new position in shares of Netflix in the second quarter worth $105,000. Finally, SRS Capital Advisors Inc. grew its stake in shares of Netflix by 3,361.9% in the first quarter. SRS Capital Advisors Inc. now owns 727 shares of the Internet television network’s stock worth $107,000 after purchasing an additional 706 shares in the last quarter. Institutional investors and hedge funds own 83.27% of the company’s stock.

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About Netflix

Netflix, Inc is a provider an Internet television network. The Company operates through three segments: Domestic streaming, International streaming and Domestic DVD. The Domestic streaming segment includes services that streams content to its members in the United States. The International streaming segment includes services that streams content to its members outside the United States.

Analyst Recommendations for Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX)